Outbreak Management Plan
This plan is based on the contingency framework for managing local outbreaks of COVID-19, provided by the Department of Education (DfE).
The following measures in this plan will be implemented in response to recommendations provided by our local authority (LA), the director of public health (DsPH), Public Health England (PHE) or following government guidance.
The measures will be implemented to help prevent the spread of infection within our setting, to manage a COVID-19 outbreak, to react to high COVID-19 infection rates in the community or when all measures in place are still failing to reduce risk and infection.
Measures to prevent the spread of infection.
To give our staff and children a safe environment the following measures apply:-
Increased cleaning regime
Ventilation, doors, and windows to remain open and the use of the co2 monitor.
Outdoor play to be encouraged.
Staff members to carry out regular Lateral flow testing.
Staff to wear masks during drop-off and collection times.
Staff members to continue to socially distance from parents/visitors.
Any child, staff member or, parent with coronavirus symptoms must not attend playgroup and must isolate at home.
Any person displaying symptoms must not return to playgroup until they have completed the required isolation period and /or received a negative coronavirus PCR test, in line with government guidelines.
Children will not be accepted into playgroup if they have been given Calpol or the fever reducing medication. Children with a temperature cannot return until they have been 24 hours fever free without the need of medication to assist, in line with PH, DfE guidelines.
Visitors will not be allowed in when the numbers of cases of COVID-19 are high in the community.
All persons travelling outside of the UK must adhere to instructions and testing in line with the government guidance.
Management of an outbreak of COVID-19 in a setting may need to consider extra action.
Guidance states:
‘ For most education and child care settings, whichever of the following thresholds are reached first’
-5 children, pupils, students, or staff who are likely to have mixed closely, test positive for covid-19 within a 10-day period.
-10% of children, pupils, students, or staff who are likely to have mixed closely test positive for covid-19 within a 10-day period.
-We will take further advice from the DfE helpline (0800 046 8687 option 1).
Actions may be:
-More intense deep cleaning.
-Partial closure.
-Restrictions of people entering the building.
-Full closure for as least time as possible.
-Isolation of identified children or staff member.
-Investigation by our local authority health protection team.
-Staff to take daily lateral flow tests before coming into playgroup to work.
Staff shortage due to isolating:
-We will always operate keeping the legal child /staff ratios.
-Staff shortages may mean fewer hours available to the children attending/ hours may have to be split to enable all children to attend. Priority is given to vulnerable children and children of keyworkers.
-Closure as a last result until we have enough staff to operate.
High infection rates in the local community.
If contacted by DsPH or the LA regarding a high level of infection in the local community the following actions may be recommended:
-Visitors are not permitted onto the playgroup site unless essential to a child’s development or wellbeing or to do essential site maintenance.
Any visitors that are allowed on site must wear appropriate PPE and give details to manage contact tracing if needed.
Actions following high levels of risk and infection:
-Attendance restrictions will only be used as a last result,
These would be as follows:
Only vulnerable children and those whose parents are keyworkers may attend.
Any questions please contact: Kimberley Pre-school Playgroup on 0115 9389205 or email Sue at
WE ARE OPEN AS NORMAL. However, it is your decision if you would rather stay safe at home with your child rather than coming to play with us at this time. Please let Sue know your decision 07825812901
If you would like more information please follow the link to the government guidance for parents web page
Sorry it's short notice but we were only told last night.
See you next Monday!
Dear parents and carers
First of all, we hope everyone has been well. It has been a long, long time.
GOOD NEWS! Hopefully, we will be starting back on the 2nd of September, but we are still waiting for confirmation that we can use the building from that date as they are waiting for the risk assessment to be passed. PLEASE KEEP LOOKING AT THE WEBSITE/FACEBOOK PAGE FOR UPDATES.
We have implemented a staggered start and finish time. This should be in the letter you have received this week. If it isn’t please contact Sue on 07825812901
We have had to make changes in order to follow Government guidelines set out to us to open, to ensure that it is safe for both children and staff. This will be updated as the new information comes through. Again keep an eye out of our website/Facebook for any changes.
We have an enhanced cleaning regime in place to try to eliminate contamination.
Although children will not be socially distancing, the staff will be from each other. The staff will still be interacting with the children as normal.
It is going to be challenging for everyone over the coming months as the weather turns cooler and children catching colds and illnesses. Often children will get a high temperature with these and so we are asking you to keep your child at home if they have any signs of illness. If you have given Calpol because they are ‘not quite right’ then please do not send them to playgroup.
Please think of the rest of the children and their families, the staff and their families, and all the vulnerable people in them.
I know this is going to be ongoing for a long time yet and will make it difficult to plan anything for certain; we just have to follow the rules and keep going.
Please keep up-to-date with the relevant self-isolating rules on or the NHS website and please adhere to these.
We will be doing staggered start and finish times s we do not have everyone gathering together.
Social distancing will be in place for all families at drop off and pick up times.
We will be entering and exiting through the back gate so please wait along the back fence (signs will be on the fence) to avoid children in the car park and keep your child with you at all times.
Please leave the site as soon as you can and avoid gatherings.
No adults will be allowed through the gate or inside the building.
We do not have an area to store pushchairs or car seats inside the building for obvious reasons.
Please place your child's lunch in a PLASTIC BAG labeled with THEIR NAME. NO LUNCH BOXES. Place this in the box that will be at the entrance marked LUNCH.
Your child will need to bring their OWN DRINK BOTTLE labeled with THEIR NAME and placed in the box at the entrance marked DRINKS.
Nappies and wipes will need to be put in a NAMED PLASTIC BAG. These will stay at playgroup and you will be informed when we need more. Please place them in the box at the entrance marked NAPPIES.
If your child has a comforter/dummy please make sure these are clean each time they attend and only bring them in absolutely necessary.
No toys to be brought in from home.
Your child will need a SUN HAT and ROLL ON sun cream, labeled with THEIR NAME in a plastic bag which will stay at playgroup until they are not needed anymore. Please place these in the NAPPY box at the entrance.
Children will need to wear clean clothes every session due to the risk of passing anything on from having unknown contact with an infected person.
Fees-a bill will be sent out each month. There will be a box to pay fees, please place in an envelope with the correct amount with the CHILDS NAME and the amount and place in the box.
Anyone who would rather pay weekly, please put the correct amount in an envelope with the CHIDS NAME and place it in the box.
New starters-some parents and carers may find it difficult to leave their child with is and not coming to settle their child as we normally do. If you feel at this time you want to start them when things hopefully change them we do understand but please let Sue know. 07825812901
Please telephone playgroup in session time to pass on any information 0115 9389205 or contact Sue on 07825812901
Illnesses-if your child is ill DO NOT SEND THEM TO PLAYGROUP.
If your child has been given Calpol because they are ‘not quite right’ please do not bring them to playgroup.
If your child develops a temperature or a new, continuous cough, change/loss of taste, smell, keep your child at home, and get a test. Please read the Stay At Home guidance for households with possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
If your child shows any signs of illness whilst at playgroup, you will be contacted and your child will need picking up immediately. They will be isolated from the rest of the children and a staff member will stay with your child at all times.
The adult will be wearing full PPE.
Collect your child from the front entrance.
Please book a test and inform us of the result. Following guidance from the government website
As you can all appreciate we have been closed for several months and will not take any risks that will demand closure of the whole setting.
If you have any questions contact Sue 07825812901
Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for any last-minute information we need to pass on
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we are really looking forward to having you all back at playgroup.
Sue and the gang x
Please make sure your contact information is up to date. Text 07825812901 or email Sue on
Childs name
Parent’s name
Telephone number/s
Emergency Contact
Change of address
Anything else we need to know..